Welcome to the

World ParaVolley Sport Administration System


7 July 2022
PVSAS Upgrade
Welcome to the new version of the World ParaVolley Sport Administration System! Apart from a few structural changes and new minor features, the focus was set on a more intuitive and modern design, in alignment with the official web presentation of World ParaVolley. Lastly, PVSAS is now responsive and can be excellently used with any mobile device.



The World ParaVolley Sport Administration System ("PVSAS") is designed to support and facilitate the information management of World ParaVolley athletes. We highly appreciate your assistance in keeping the data as up to date and accurate as possible. We welcome feedback on your experiences with using the system and with the processes implemented within it. [Read more...]

The application provides the following tools:

  • Athletes and guides registration in all ParaVolley disciplines
  • Full classification management
  • Competition Calendar
  • Internal and external classification master lists
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How do I get an account?

Accounts are only granted to members, classifiers, and the management team of World ParaVolley. As member nation, please use the account activation form to be found below. Otherwise, please contact the management team directly.

PVSAS Account Request Form